When Ken Donnelly first called to ask for my support for his candidacy, what struck me was that he was truly driven into politics by the motivation to do good rather than to promote himself. He proved that again and again by leading the fight for causes that did not just benefit his constituency, but which benefited the many: the fight for a $15 minimum wage; the fight for mental health courts and many more.

What many people may not know is that Cindy Friedman was Ken’s partner in each of those endeavors and was the person who fueled those mandates forward. When Don Berwick, another candidate driven by purpose rather than self-promotion, ran for office, he tapped Cindy to help manage his campaign. In his recent endorsement, Dr. Berwick accurately described Cindy as a “clear-headed, progressive” who is ready to be effective on day one.

Those of us who have worked with her over on many political and policy campaigns know that Cindy is an exceptionally smart, principled leader who organizes and empowers people to get things done. When I am asked why I am supporting Cindy in the current election for State Senator, I say with certainty she will be leader, not a follower, who will be committed to initiating thoughtful legislation that will benefit the many and she will get it done!

Joan Axelrod, Arlington